Celebrating the 25th Anniversary of the Digimon Anime, Digimon Survive presents a brand-new adventure set in a mysterious world with characters designed by Uichi Ukumo, and music by the much-acclaimed Tomoki Miyoshi.
Digimon Survive sees a brand-new group of teenagers, led by Takuma Momozuka, get lost on a school camping trip, finding them transported to a strange new world of monsters and danger.
As they fight their way back home through an animated world of difficult decisions and deadly battles, players’ choices throughout the game will impact the evolution of their monster allies, and the final ending. Battles in the game are fought in 2D, in a more classic SRPG style.
Game Features:
- Gorgeous Anime style graphics
- A darker tale about survival and friendship
- A story that evolves following the player’s choices and actions
- Enjoy tactical RPGs combats with over 100 Digimon
Celebrating the 25th Anniversary of the Digimon Anime, Digimon Survive presents a brand-new adventure set in a mysterious world with characters designed by Uichi Ukumo, and music by the much-acclaimed Tomoki Miyoshi.
Digimon Survive sees a brand-new group of teenagers, led by Takuma Momozuka, get lost on a school camping trip, finding them transported to a strange new world of monsters and danger.
As they fight their way back home through an animated world of difficult decisions and deadly battles, players’ choices throughout the game will impact the evolution of their monster allies, and the final ending. Battles in the game are fought in 2D, in a more classic SRPG style.
Game Features:
- Gorgeous Anime style graphics
- A darker tale about survival and friendship
- A story that evolves following the player’s choices and actions
- Enjoy tactical RPGs combats with over 100 Digimon
Digimon Survive Nintendo Switch
- Regular price
- $69.90
- Sale price
- $69.90
- Regular price
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